Terms and Conditions/Refund Policy

Terms & Conditions

1. By registering for and/or attending the Event (as defined below), participants are bound by, and comply with, these Terms and Conditions. It is the individual’s responsibility to read and understand these Terms and Conditions.
2. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions the “Event” means the Awad Academy dinner and presentation the details of which are as confirmed in the written booking arrangements by Awad Academy Inc. (“Awad Academy”). By agreeing to continue with the check out process, entering your payment information, and submitting the purchase on your own, you understand that this is a final sale.
3. We provide the content “as is” without warranties, and we are not liable for any damages arising from the purchase or use of live or media content.
4. Due to the nature of educational products, we cannot guarantee any results. You agree to hold Awad Academy, Inc. and all its affiliates, agents, subsidiaries, and assigns harmless after your purchase.
5. All information contained on this website is for demonstrative purposes only and does not guarantee any results for you or your company.
6. In order to attend the Event, participants must pay in full or have paid in full on their behalf the relevant Registration Fee immediately on booking or by the Due Date.
7. The Registration Fee does not include any travel costs, or any costs of accommodation. The Registration Fee relates solely to attendance at the Event.
8. If payment is not received within these required time limits, Awad Academy reserves the right to cancel the booking without notice.
9. Places at the Event are limited and are subject to availability.
10. A request that the participant’s confirmed booking is transferred to a colleague may be made by giving written notice to Awad Academy. Awad Academy reserves the right to accept or deny a request for such a transfer.
11. Awad Academy reserves the right to cancel a participant’s place at any time and for whatever reason (including without limitation cancellation of the Event) on repayment of the Registration Fee, or whatever proportion of the Registration Fee it has actually received; and this repayment shall be in full and final settlement of any claims against Awad Academy by the participant relating to his/her place at the Event.
12. In the event of fire, flood or without limit other causes that Awad Academy reasonably believes to be substantial or that are beyond Awad Academy’s control, Awad Academy reserves the right to cancel, change the times, dates and the venues of the Event, without incurring any liability to the participant.
13. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Georgia and each party irrevocably agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Georgia courts.
14. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement of the parties. In entering into this agreement, the parties have not relied on, and shall have no remedy in respect of, any statement, representation, warranty, understanding, promise or assurance (whether negligently or innocently made) of any person other than as expressly set out in this agreement. Each participant shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the Terms and Conditions and shall be bound by them in all respects.
15. These Terms and Conditions may not be modified, amended or rescinded, in whole or in part, except by written amendments signed by both parties.
16. To the full extent allowed by law and insofar as it is reasonable to do so, the participant agrees not to hold Awad Academy liable for any damage or loss suffered or incurred by the them during the course of the Event, including consequential (i.e. losses which are not incurred as a direct consequence of the Event leading to any claim) or indirect losses or loss of profit, through registering for the Event, attending the Event, alteration of the Event schedule, cancellation of the Event, or any error or omission on the part of Awad Academy. This provision does not reduce or restrict Awad Academy’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its gross negligence or fraud.
17. By accepting these Terms and Conditions the participant warrants that he is attending the Event in the course of his or her business and indemnifies Awad Academy and its staff and agents against all or any loss or damage, injury, actions, proceedings or claims arising from any act or omission of the individual during the course of the Event.
18. Photographs will be taken at the Event by an official photographer, which may be used in post-Event publicity and on future marketing materials. By completing and submitting the Booking Form, the participant consents to the official photographer taking such photographs, which may feature the participant and/or his/her guests, and the use of such photographs as described and, where applicable, undertakes to ensure that all of his/her guests attending the Event are made aware of the use of the official photographer and consent accordingly to their photograph being taken as described. If the participant or any of his/her guests do not want their photograph to be taken or used in this way, Awad Academy must be notified prior to the Event.
19. The views expressed by any speaker at the Event are representative of the speaker’s own opinions and cannot in any way be attributed to Awad Academy. Awad Academy disclaims any liability for views expressed by any speaker at the Event.
20. Awad Academy is not liable for harms resulting from the content provided. Awad Academy has taken reasonable checks to ensure that it is appropriate for the Event.
21. In the event of inappropriate behavior by any individual in the view of Awad Academy or the Event venue operator, they may be refused entry or asked to leave and excluded from the Event without refund or compensation.
22. The details of the Event shown in any material supplied by Awad Academy to the customer are correct at the time of printing but the participant shall be responsible for checking with Awad Academy that no alterations have been made.

Refund Policy

All sales are final and we do not offer refunds or exchanges unless required by law. We provide the content “as is” without warranties, and we are not liable for any damages arising from the purchase or use of the content. By agreeing to continue with the check out process, you understand that this is a final sale. We cannot guarantee any results. You agree to hold Awad Academy, Inc. and all its affiliates, agents, subsidiaries, and assigns harmless after your purchase. All information contained on this website is for demonstrative purposes only.

Please contact Awad Academy at [email protected] for any questions related to our policy, or simply to let us know how we can help.

Awad Academy
4076 Ebenezer Road, Marietta
Georgia, United States 30066
[email protected]
(706) 890-0000